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Showing posts from September, 2020

Thinking Activity : The Waste Land

Thinking activity : The waste land. Thinking activity on "The Wasteland" by T.S. Eliot Hello readers! Here I'm giving the answer of the thinking activity which is given by Dr Dilip Barad sir, department of English. The Waste Land " The Waste Land " is a modern epic poem written by T. S. Eliot. This poem is divided into the five parts which represents the sexual perversion and spiritual degradation. 1)The Burial Of the Dead :(76 Lines ) 2) A game of Chess ( 96 Lines ) 3) The Fire Sermon ( 139 Lines ) 4) Death by Water ( 10 lines ) 5) What the thunder Said (113 Lines )  1) What are your views on the following image after reading 'The Waste Land'? Do you think that Eliot is regressive as compared to Nietzche's views? or Has Eliot achieved universality of thought by recalling mytho-historical answers to the contemporary malaise? T.S. Eliot and F. Nietzche         As a writer it is a personal choice to go forward or backward and if we talk about T...

General characteristics of the 20th century literature

  General characteristics of  the 20th century literature Hello readers! Here is my blog on General characteristics of the 20th century literature. This task is an academic task.  This task is given by Dr Dilip Barad sir, head of department of English. "Modernist literature has its origins in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, mainly in Europe and North America, and is characterized by a self-conscious break with traditional ways of writing, in both poetry and prose fiction." The modern is not contemporary.  A C Ward's twentieth century literature 1901-1940. The setting is written by A C Ward. "Mind + society = Modernist literature" Twentieth century is the modernist period. 21th century has technology. In the twentieth century speed was the main concern. Speed in life. In the twentieth century very slow life style.In the twentieth century spirituality and religion are far different. Spirituality means open hospital and helps if being spiritual. Religion m...

Modernist Poems

  Thinking activity : Modernist Poems : Activity - Identify modernist metaphors in these short poems. Hello readers! Here is my blog on 10 Very Short Modernist Poems. This task is given by Dilip Barad sir. Activity is to read these small poems and identify "Modernist" symbols, imagery and metaphors. Characteristics of modern poetry : -Diverse Variety of Themes -Realism -Love -Pessimism -Romantic Elements -Nature -Humanitarian and Democratic Note -Religion and Mysticism -Diction and Style. "The Embankment" By T. E. Hulme. (The fantasia of a fallen gentleman on a cold, bitter night.) Once, in finesse of fiddles found I ecstasy, In the flash of gold heels on the hard pavement. Now see I That warmth’s the very stuff of poesy. Oh, God, make small The old star-eaten blanket of the sky, That I may fold it round me and in comfort lie.         In this poem man wants to decide to die because he doesn't bear himself and maybe he hides himself everywhere...

Study frames of Charlie Chaplin's films: The Modern Time and The Great Dictator.

Study frames of Charlie Chaplin's films: The Modern Time and The Great Dictator.      Hello readers! Here my is blog on study of Charlie Chaplin's films :The Modern Time and The Great Dictator. Which is given by Dilip Barad sir, department of English.         "Modern times . A story of  industry of individual enterprise- humanity crusading              in the pursuit of happiness"              In The modern time film, where Charlie Chaplin is the protagonist of the movie. The Modern Time is a silent era film . One of the films is highly comic. The Modern Time is a comedy film and makes laughter to the audience . Film has a tragic story.                       In modern times pro proof which is abused to be communist. Use of ec...