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General characteristics of the 20th century literature

 General characteristics of  the 20th century literature

Hello readers!

Here is my blog on General characteristics of the 20th century literature. This task is an academic task. 

This task is given by Dr Dilip Barad sir, head of department of English.

"Modernist literature has its origins in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, mainly in Europe and North America, and is characterized by a self-conscious break with traditional ways of writing, in both poetry and prose fiction." The modern is not contemporary.

 A C Ward's twentieth century literature 1901-1940. The setting is written by A C Ward.

"Mind + society = Modernist literature"

Twentieth century is the modernist period. 21th century has technology. In the twentieth century speed was the main concern. Speed in life. In the twentieth century very slow life style.In the twentieth century spirituality and religion are far different. Spirituality means open hospital and helps if being spiritual. Religion means reading books or going to temple doesn't mean that they are spiritual. 

A further characteristic of victorianism was a firm belief in the permanence of nineteenth century institutions, both temporal and spiritual. 

So there is literary dynamics. Victorianism and anti victorianism.

Victorianism :

  • Natural parental guidance

  • Revolt of youth and fair skin

  • Control

  • Expert

  • Authority

  • Foundation

  • Hitler youth - sheeple or not (easily control them)

  • Human beings without gender, religion, culture, nationality.

  • Truths and Certainties

Anti victorianism :

  • Superstitious

  • Baseless conventions

  • Hypocritical

  • Ideals, but in the 1901- 1925 is opposite to the ideals and morality of Victorians.

So, there are questions and hideos.

The Edwardian :

Edwardian reign of King Edward 7( 1901 to 1910). George 5 from 6 may 1910 until his death in 1936. He visited India in December. 12,1911. He gave the name to Rabindranath Tagore.

The treasured bric a brac of Victorian mantel shelves and whatnots was thrown into Edwardian and Georgian dustbins.

Fabian society group 

       Who would have dissented from Shaw's for art's sake alone', he would not have written even a single sentence.

Dictatorial intellectualism 

      Which dates from the year of Ulysses and the wasteland was rooted in contempt for normal intelligence as is shown by the attitude of one of the pioneer interpreters of James Joyce.


     Escapism means running away from the herd ( community) because of being tired of people.

     The tendency to seek distraction and relief from unpleasant realities. 

E.M. foster's reason for that 

1) fear

 2) against fear

Fear of politics and fear of community.


      In existentialism God is not accepted. Why do people remain religious.



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