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Ecocriticism and Ecofeminism

Ecocriticism and Ecofeminism 

Hello readers!
Welcome to my blog. Here is my blog on Ecocriticism and Ecofeminism. Ecocriticism and Ecofeminism is in our syllabus. This blog is given by Professor Dilip Barad Sir. Visit Dilip Barad Sir blog for more information. Click here.

Our world is correlated with Eco. Eco eco- a combining form representing ecology in the formation of compounds (ecosystem, ecotype) also with the more general sense "environment" and " Nature". So, the combination of environment and women and environment and literature create new term Ecofeminism and Ecocriticism. 

# What do you understand by the theory of Ecocriticism?

"Ecocriticism is the study of literature and the environment from an interdisciplinary point of view, where literature scholars analyze texts that illustrate environmental concerns and examine the various ways literature treats the subject of nature."

            One founder of ecofeminism,
theologian Rosemary Ruether. Insisted that all women must acknowledge and work to end the domination of nature if they were to work toward their own liberation.

# What is your understanding by Ecofeminism?

Ecofeminism is a branch of feminism that sees environmentalism and the relationship between women and the earth, as foundational to its analysis and practice. Ecofeminist thinkers draw on the concept of gender to analyse the relationships between humans and the natural world."
             "Ecofeminist theory asserts that a feminist perspective of ecology does not place women in the dominant position of power but rather calls for an egalitarian, collaborative society in which there is no one dominant group. Ecofeminism emphasizes that both women and nature must be respected."

In the 1989 WLA conference, when Cheryll Glotfelty a graduate student at Cornell University at the time, urged the use of the term Ecocriticism instead of “the study of nature writing.” Barry acknowledges Cheryll Glotfelty as the founder of U.S. Ecocriticism.

Types of Ecofeminism
Feminism, Environmental Economics and Accountability.
Feminist Theory: Ecofeminist and Cultural Feminist.
Feminist Legal Theory.
Feminist Political Ecology. 
Sustainable Development.
Gender and Environment.
Feminist Theory.

# Explain with the illustrations?

Ecocriticism is the study of literature and environment from the people. Where Ecofeminism means a study of nature and women.Feminism is the relationship between humans and the earth. Where women are dominants on man or women were subordinate to men. The idea discovers that the woman is very closer to nature. Many places we found that women are very close to nature. It is significant as symbol or imagery. So here is a question that why women are always close to nature. Women are very close to nature every where. The universal fact is that the culture attributes women closed to society. Women is subordinate to man. Man is superior rather than women. People use symbols of women in business and other products.

Some ecofeminists also argue that the identification of women with nature should now be seen as a source of strength.


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