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Metaphysical Poetry

Here is my Blog on Metaphysical Poetry 

Que. Characteristics of metaphysical Poetry with explanation of a few metaphysical poetry written by John Donne as well as any other Metaphysical poet.

#Definition of Metaphysical Poem :
                      Metaphysical Poetry means a highly intectualized poetry marked by bold and ingenious conceit, incongruous imagery, comlexicom of that frequent use of paradox and often by deliberate harshness or rigidity of expression.

#Characteristics of Metaphysical Poem: 
•Theme : metaphysical Poetry is a spiritual and has often religious themes , moreover, it focuses on love, as the union of soul.

•Literary Devices : Metaphysical poetry uses metaphor, puns , paradox and meter to create drama and tention . In addition, metaphysical poePoe uses scientific, medical and legal words and phrases to create arguments about the philosophical aspect of life.

•Short Poem : Metaphysical poetry is considered to be brief and consise. Every line conveys a lot of meaning in a few words.

•Concept of the poetry : Metaphysical poetry is a vast collection of Maxims and sayings John Donne is a pioneer in this regards.

•Metaphysical conceits  : A significant features of the metaphysical Poetry is the use of metaphysical conceits. It is the unique of metaphysical Poetry. A concwicois a comparison of two similar things, which may have very little in common. Example Abraham Cowley in his poem " The Mistress"  compare his love for ladies to his habits of travelling in various countries of the world.

•Originality : Originality is the hallmark of metaphysical Poets. All the metaphysical Poets are unique and original in the ideas and thoughts.

•Wit : Metaphysical is a also a noteworthy features of metaphysical Poetry. Metaphysical wit is the expression of one's idea and technically , the words and various and figures of speech in such a manner as to provide pleasure to the reader.

•Platonic love : platonic love is a another feature of metaphysical Poetry . Platonic love means spiritual love, which is free from elements of physical love.

#Metaphysical Poetry of John Donne  :

 In the first half of the 17th century a group of poet emuezed whose poetry is known as the metaphysical Poetry. Since John Donne was the pioneer of these groups, it is also known as the school of Donne. The other poets who followed footsteps of the John Donne where George hurburd, Richard Crashaw , Abraham Cowley, Andrew Marwell and Robert southwell. This poets try to followed the style of writing poetry which was initially cultivated by John Donne.

# Holy Sonnet
       Sonnet 10: Death , be not proud
                                 ~ John Donne

                    The poem is written by John Donne.  The poet is to mullify fear of death by writing fourteen lines on death generally speaking most of the people considered death mighty and dangerous, frightening and very painful experience of life.
                   Poem is consist two stanza. In first stanza the poet in the opening clarify that death is neither mighty no dreadful. death is neither thik that it aims life of the peolpe but in reality those people do not die. Poet believe that death is nothing more than rest and sleep.If the poet has draw a picture of a person enjoying sound sleep and rest that means death of us sleep and rest to man kind.
                  Poet use four elements which,  govern death are  fate , chance, king, desparate man. The poet want to convey here is that when fate decides to death has come to when chance. The king declairs death occurs when king declairs death penalty , death has to come and finally when a man in distress decides to end his life by killing himself.
                 In the second stanza poet can say with confidence that death has no courage on capacity to kill even death is nothing more than permanent . Peot make a comparison between how sleep is caused by death and by charms of mother death.
                  The Sonnet of John Donne, belief in the theory of rebirth. After a small sleep , it is nothing but his belief in rebirth.

Que. Write critical analysis the Metaphysical Poems of poet other than John Donne.

#Metaphysical Poem of Andrew Marwell:

• To his coy mistress: 
                              ~ Andrew Marwell

                 "To his coy mistress" is a Metaphysical Poem written by Andrew Marwell.
                 Poem is about love elegy, in the prom poet praise his love through the motif of carpe diem. The poem reflect the tradition of the erotic blazon. Poet elaborate images of his love's Beauty by carring her body into parts
                Its verse consist rhymes coplets in iambic tetrameter , proceeding as AA, BB, CC and so forth.
                The poet in the  begins of  poem elaborate many things. Poet uses the metaphor of a ' vegetable love' to suggest a slow and steady growth that might increase to vast proportion. He assure that lady that he would never value her at a lower rate. Than she deserve. Poem praise the lady's beauty by her individual features .
               In the second stanza once dead he assure the lady, her virtues and her beauty will die in the virtue and her beauty will die in the grave along with her body turn into dust.
               In the last he compares the lady's skin to a vibrant layer of morning dew that is animated by fires of the soul.

                       Thank you......



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