Coleridge: Biographia Literaria
Samuel Taylor Coleridge Biographia Literaria:Chapter 14
• write on your words difference between poem and prose :
Prose and poetry are the two common forms of literature; wherein prose is written work, which contains sentences and paragraphs, and does not have any metrical structure. As against, poetry is a genre of literature which is based on a particular form, that creates a rhyme.
The basic difference between prose and poetry is that we have sentences and paragraphs, whereas lines and stanzas can be found in a poetry. Further, there is regular writing in prose, but there is a unique style of writing a poetry.
# Defination of poetry:
Poetry is something that arouses a complete imaginative feeling, by choosing appropriate language and selective words and arranging them in a manner that creates a proper pattern, rhym.
Language: expressive or decorative
Nature: Imaginative.
Purpose: To delight or amuse.
Idea: Idea can be found in line ,which arrange in stanza.
#Defination of prose:
The prose is an ordinary writing style in literature, which encompasses characters, plot, mood, theme, the point of view, setting, etc. making it a distinctive form of language. It is written using grammatical sentences, which forms a paragraph. It may also include dialogues, and is sometimes, supported by images but does not have a metrical structure.
Prose can be fictional or non-fictional, heroic, alliterative, village, polyphonic, prose poetry .
Biography, autobiography, memoir, essay, short stories, fairy tales, article, novel, blog and so forth use prose for creative writing.
Language:straight forward language.
Purpose:To provide information or to convey massage.
Idea:Idea can be found in sentence, which are arranged in paragraph.
• write in your word differences between poem and poetry:
A poem is the arrangement of words that contain meaning and musical is a piece of writing that expresses the writer's thought and feeling.
A poem can either be rhyming or non rhyming. It uses symbols and has lines and stanzas that have sentences.
There are many types of prom, like Sonnet. Which about love and popular types of poem.
Poetry is defined as literary form of art, evoked in language. It can be written on its own or in combination with other arts as in poetic drama, poetic hymns, lyrical poetry and prose poerpo.
Poetry use words and speech in rhetoric,drama,song and comedy .
Poetry distinguished from other forms of writing by its use of repetition,verse,rhyme and aesthetics.
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