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Dryden : Flipp learning

     Dryden : flipped learning                            Network

Here my blog on Flipp learning network. I give my question after watching videos .

Question after watching videos.

Que 1  In the Dryden's Defination one word is image . Dryden never seems to be Betherd that image is echo Plato's secondhand image and try remove from reality. How?

Que 2.  How we can say that a mixture of classism and romanticism in Dryden's essay. Explain?

Que 3. What is difference between pleasure and delight ?

Que 4.  Crites  is not agreed with  just and lively can be artificial. How it is artificial?

Que 5.  How we can say that blank verse not carry just and lively image?

One idea or concept  after watching videos.which I like most in the videos.

Video 1.

In the first video I like concept of Dryden's Defination. He does not offering a Defination. He said that I am offering a description. He showing that how he taken insurance of Aristotle's Defination tragedy.
How he is given his own Definition broken into three part.

1part : A just and lively image of                         human nature , representing                 it's prassions and humours                     and the changes of fortune to                 which it is subject, for the                       delight and instruction of                       mankind.

Part 2 : Reprenting passions and                          humour and changes of                          fortune to which it is subject.

Part 3: further delight and instruction               of " mankind".

Video 2

In this video  we can see that Dryden is neoclassical poet. The age of Dryden came after the age of Elizabethan age.  Elizabethan age having a free flow of imagination and romance after that the reaction of next generation and poet writing satire, drama in verse , poetry . Because Aristotle accuses the Poetry but Neoclassical poets where trying to express different sorts of inspiration as other than Elizabethan age.

Video 3

In the second video Dryden give Defination of the play
   " A play ought to be a just and lively image of human nature, representing it's passions and humours, and the changes of fortune to which it is subject, for the delight and in situation of man kind."

Video 4

In the forth video Eugiues ( Charles Sackville)arguments are particular capacity moderns only following ancient.
 Dryden putting all the current arguments in that day . He fine a middle point that also not any warmly responding but also taking good thinht quitely.

Video 5.

In the fifth video I like one concept. Is that Dryden's Famous play " All for love" is not in verse so play should more natural. Adding of words rhymes actually increase the graneurg . the grandeur of action. That matches serious . The play two strong reasons comes out from Dryden 1) some scenes can be                                   avoided .
                2) Artificial but it wil depend                       open the craft of play                               writer.

Video 6.

In the sixth video  I like Arguments by Crites. Crites  say that rhymes are unnatural in  the ply. It is not proper medium to carry the just and lively image of human nature.

Another argument by Crites is that without premeditation it impossible to speak , so there is no mediation speak without rhymes.


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