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The Purpose

The purpose - T. P. Kailasam

Here my blog on task which is given by Vaidehi ma'am. The task is "The Purpose " by T. P. Kailasam.

The purpose
           The purpose is play which is based on a story of Eklavya and Arjun from Mahabharat.

About T.P kailasam :


Que 1. Compare and contrast Arjun and Eklavya's character.

Mahabharat is a very ancient story . In Mahabharat we can find the different story than the play of T.P. kailasam's "The  Purpose". In the Mahabharat Arjun was a good and mature man , not rud and arrogant . But in the purpose by T. P kailasam,  story of the play is different . In the purpose  T.P. kailasam tell story from eklavya's point of views.
In the purpose Arjun and Eklavya both are very different than each other.

•  Arjun :
 Arjun is a king of  his kingdom. He is  a prince of hastinapur. He is belongs to upper class family. He is a kshatriy boy. He is rude , errogant  and prodigal prince.
 His is called his aim as a personal ambition . He said that
        " My personal ambition to be the most famous archer in the world"
He is very young age he decide his aim as personal. His aim is that he want to become best archer in the world. He is very accurate in his aim.

Eklavya :
Eklavya is protagonist in the play "The Purpose". Eklavya is a
Comman forest man. He stay in the forest with his mother. He is very  humble and dutiful man . He belongs to lover cast family. He is a nishaada boy. His purpose to learn archery. He said that
           Only for for thai I can save deer and fawns is killing by the wolves.

Contrast between Arjun and Eklavya

In the play when we compare both character than we find  ambition . Ambition is similar in both character.
Ambition is to be a world's best archer. Which is comman in both character.

Que 2. What is subaltern? Who do you think is the subaltern in the play ? Explain with examples.

Meaning of subaltern :

" The subaltern is a technical term for a certain kind of dispossessed person. It is a person who fits within the model of the Oppressor/Oppressed as the being so marginalized as to not even have the ‘voice’ of the oppressed". 

A subaltern is a someone with low ranking in social, political and other hiechery.

In  the play  we can consider that Eklavya is a subaltern in the  purpose. Eklavya is marginal by upper class people. He is belongs to lower class family . He not even have voice to face Arjun. So Eklavya is subaltern in the purpose. 

Que 3. Write your views about Education system in India with reference to past and present time.

Education system in the India ,past and present are every different education system in India.

If we can go back in past and we can see a history of education system in India than we found that education system is very ancient. There is lots of love and respect for teacher .we can say that "Guru". In the past education system guru give training to his students with many purpose . Guru teach his students in eco friendly environment places where students enjoyed teaching and atmospher also. And also take "Gurudakshina" at end of the education . And strong desire to fulfill the aim of his students.

 Nowadays we can find very different education system than past . Today's education system are totally based on books and internet. Students learn through books and internet rather than through a teacher.

 Today's education is a burden for students . Modern  education system is more oriented with classrooms.  With lots of books and not perticular  aim .

Que 4. If Dronacharya an ideal teacher ? If yes , then how ? And if no then why ? Explain with examples.

No, In the play we can find that Dronacharya is a not good ideal teacher  , because of his behaviour towards Eklavya. Dronacharya is not good teacher at all. In the purpose guru Dronacharya have two students , Eklavya and Arjun . He teach both the student equally but he is promise only for Arjun that he help to Arjun for best archery  . So we can say that. He do partiality with Eklavya  some time. So he is not ideal teacher at all.

Que 5. Write something about your experience like Eklavya or Arjun with your teacher during studies face till now.( Not necessary to mention any name).

In my school life I suffer from one incident. My experience like Eklavya or Arjun with my teacher during my studies. I was participate in kho-kho game . I selected in kho-kho regional after cluster in kho-kho.  I was so happy that time when I selected in kho-kho regional . Selection as  kho-kho player is by our school p.t teacher  and regional selection by other rafries so that why I selected in the kho- kho  as regional player .But unfortunately our ma'am reject me and select to my friend , I am not jeolus  towards my friend but I have question that why ma'am reject me as kho-kho player. Than I decide that I want to left from kho-kho game for ever . After this incident I not played kho-kho. That's very bad experience in my studies life.

                  Thank you....


  1. Well written! There are few grammatical errors in the blog. Edit and rectify the errors.


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