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Thinking activity: paradise lost

Thinking activity : paradise lost

             Paradise lost is an epic poem in blank verse by English poet John Milton. Paradise lost arange in twelve books.  The poem is the biblical story of the  " FALL OF MAN". The original story is taken from  Holi book Bible . Paradise lost are concerned with 9th. The temptation of Adam and Eve by the fallen of Angel and Satan. Milton's purpose in Book 1, is to "Justify the way of God to men. In Book 9, Milton's purpose with humans perspective and Divine perspective.

1.What is understanding of Human perspectives and Divine           perspective and give illustration to support your anseans.

Divine perspective:

               In divine perspective we can see that God is the center of anything. There is blindly faith in God and God superior for everyone. What is said by God is superior and what is said by God is always right and unquestionable religion can be considered as a god is in center in the world.god said is always right. There is no space to ask questions and think rational.

•Humans perspective:

 In the Human perspective humanity is at the center. Human can be considered as the centre of the universe. Humans feelings, thought and emotion matters a lot when we look subject with human perspective . Intelectual people always put more focus on think rationaly rather than emotionally and humanhis at the centercintheir views.

Satan is not God or Human being but

In the book there is no freedom to men and women. They are only puppets and flowers. There is not having personal choice to choose anything. God is supreme power and man is servant. Only  God can make decisions. No one has the choice to make own decisions. 

Eve is hungry for knowledge and we know that she is lust full persons and she wants to be superior as God so she wants to be superior as God so she eats prohibited fruits. Hovewer she has no confidence that what happens with me if I eat so her view becomes sandwich.

Adam is a notable person he sacrifices his life for Eve Becabeche excessive love and whenever he wants to support her

Satan character between Both God and human. He wants to destroyed human life so he first so he start convene Eve and really become successful. We look at the story from holy bible.

In short, God has all kinds of power therefore what she wants they can get easily and human being has no power of all kind due to we all are puppet or creatures or wooden toys.

2.How you read the Character of Eve as transgresser   and yet defendable.

                  In Paradise lost we can find character of Eve is very strong and rebellious. She is very beatiful. she curious to know what is independent and free from everything and that's why she also raised questions regarding maker wise.
 After the Fall, Adam and Eve engage in a petty blame game, where it becomes clear that, yes, Eve ate first, but Adam also ate the fruit, for his own reasons.when we try to look fromffaminist approach we can find Eve asaa "Victim of patriarchal MindsetM. Satan grap the opportunity whenwhw saw Eve alone like "Easy to convince women" in comparison of man.

Thank you.....


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