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Views of Coleridge and Wordsworth on poem

        Views of  Coleridge and                   Wordsworth on poem

    Wordsworth and Coleridge

About Coleridge:
Samuel Taylor Coleridge was an English poet, literary critic, philosopher and theologian who with his friend William Wordsworth was a founder of the Romantic Movement in England and a member of the lake poets.

About Wordsworth:

William Wordsworth was born on 7 April 1770 and died on 23 April 1850.  He was an English Romantic poet who with Samuel Taylor Coleridge, helped to launch the romantic Age in English literature with their jonit publcapubli Lyrical Ballad.

•Views of Coleridge on poem:

Coleridge was also known as a prose writer.

According to Coleridge poem: "the best word in the best order".

Coleridge ponit of views that " poetry of highest kind may exist without meter". He also give examples of plato, Bible , Taylor.

Coleridge explain his idea about poem that poem is heart of reality work that poet convey the feeling rhyme and that took place at golden shield.

Coleridge use a matter of  fact conversational style In his poetry.

Most of Coleridge poem is lyric . That it is has song like quite and suited reading allow.

•Views of Wordsworth on poem:

According to Wordsworth " Poetry is spontaneous overflow of powerful feeling, it takes its origin from emotion recollected in tranquility".

When the poet is on song poetic mood he sings out rapture as sorrow spontaneously from the core of  his heart. It cannot be made to flow through artificially.

According to words Wordsworth
"Language really by common man".
And the concerns of poetry should be simple, rustic and common life.

Poetry is the instrumental for the propagation of moral thoughts.

Wordsworth's poetry not simply delghde us, but also that teaches us deep moral lesson and bring us deep philosophical truths about life and religion.

Analysis 2 poem with reference to Wordsworth and Coleridge views:

 Wordsworth's view on poem:

#We are seven:

Poem written in ballad form, ' we are seven' gives ponit of a conversation between adult poetic speaker and a little girl who centre around the adult questioning  the girl how many siblings does she have. The little girl counts her two dead siblings as part of family and the adult .the poem ends with the girl saying that we are seven ! So in this Poem Wordsworth' simple narrative and complex implications use. In this Poem powerful feeling showing towards family through little girl.

                 Thank you........


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