Thinking Activity : Technoculture, Speed and Slow Movement
Hello readers!
Here is my blog as a thinking activity on Technoculture, speed and slow movement. This task is in our syllabus . This task is given by Professor Dilip Barad Sir.
First of all we have to read about the views given by Baudrillard (Hyperreal, simulation and Simulacra) , Paul Virilio (Dromology) and Ulrich Beck (Risk society) and then about slow movement. We have to connect all these dots about the culture of speed and need for the culture of Slow Movement and Slow philosophy.
Baudrillard's views on Hyperreal, simulation and Simulacra.
Simulacra are copies that depict things that either had no original, or that no longer have an original.
Simulation is the imitation of the operation of a real-world process or system over time.
Baudrillard says that our current society has replaced all reality and meaning with symbols and signs, and that human experience is a simulation of reality.
Baudrillard believed that our society has become so saturated with these simulacra and our lives so saturated with the constructs of society that all meaning was being provided meaningless by being infinitely mutable. So, he called this phenomenon the "precession of simulacra".
Paul Virilio :
Virilio developed that he called the "war model" of the modern city and of human society in general and is the people who invented a particular process of the term 'dromology' meaning the logic of speed that is the foundation of technological society.
Virilio also observed that Speed and technology replaces democratic participation, and undermines politics.
Ulrich Beck
Ulrich Beck propounded the influential 'risk society' thesis in risk society : Towards a New Modernity. Risk, Beck informs us that risk is not real, risks are about 'becoming real'. Risk becomes real, they cease being risks and become instead, disasters. Risks then get displaced to other sites like future disasters. Thus risk are potential disasters. It is not necessary to run the entire debate about risk society, it may be useful to pay attention to one particular arena where the risk thesis appears most relevant to Technoculture.
The culture of speed and the culture of Slow movement :
The science of speed is controversial nowadays. What we do is based on speed. It is a cultural revolution against the notion that faster is always better. Slow movement and Slow philosophy is all about seeking everything at the right movement.
The Slow Movement comprises an eclectic gathering of people devoted to slow activism.
Baudrillard says that our current society has replaced all reality and meaning with symbols and signs, and that human experience is a simulation of reality. Paul Virilio's the logic of speed that is the foundation of technological society. Ulrich Beck propounded the influential 'risk society' thesis in risk society : Towards a New Modernity. So, the Technoculture is connected with the society's movement. Slow movement is a risk for society. Speed is necessary in all situations or all terms whatever there is.
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