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Edward Said on "Orientalism"

 Edward Said on "Orientalism"

Hello readers!

Here is my blog on the interview with Edward Said on Orientalism. Featuring an interview with Edward Said professor, Columbia University and author of Orientalism.

Introduced by Sut Jhally, University of Massachusetts Amherst.

In particular Saif's 1978 book "Orientalism" will be regarded as profoundly significant. Orientalism revolutionized the study of the Middle East and helped to create and shape an entire new field of study such as post colonial theory, History, Anthropology, Political science and Cultural studies.

The book is now being translated into twenty six languages and is required reading many times.

The central argument of Orientalism is that the way that we acquire this knowledge is not innocent or objective but the end result of a process that reflects certain interests. 

Edward Said talks about this book is that his interest in Orientalism began for two reasons, one it was an immediate thing that is to say the Arab Israeli War of 1973.

The second one, which has a much longer history in my own life, was the constant sort of disparity he felt between the experience of being an Arab as a representation of one art.

Edward Said talks about The Repertory of Orientalism, Orientalism and Empire, American Orientalism, Orientalism Today - the Demonization of Islam in the News and Popular culture, Orientalism in action - The media and the Oklahoma City Bomb, Orientalism and the Palestinian questions.

Understanding of Israel and Palestine issue :

Israel and Palestine that fight goes back thousands and thousands of years. Except, thousands of years ago there wasn't an Islam yet, there is conflict between Israel and Palestine on the last several deacdet has been about like, theological difference between Islam and Judaism.

No one's arguing about whether the most important prophets descended from Abrahm's son Issac or his son Ishmael,it's not about whether to fast during Yom Kippur or Ramdan.

Sense of life in Ottoman Palestine :

 An Arab orthodox Christian musician named wasif Jawhariyyeh grew up in Jerusalem in the first decade of the 20th century.

Ottoman Palestine was in short a place in which people of different religious faiths lived peacefully together.

The concept of Jewish Nationalism came to be known as Zionism


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